Sunday, April 16, 2023

Perioperative Nursing - PNLE/NCLEX Must Knows

 Purposes of Surgery:

Ø  Diagnostic - Removal and study w/ use of instruments to make a diagnosis

Ø  Exploratory - More extensive means to diagnose, exploration of body cavity or use of scopes inserted through small incision

Ø  Curative - Removal or replacement of defective tissue to restore fxn

Ø  Palliative  - Relief of symptoms or enhancement of function w/o cure

Ø  Cosmetic  -Improve the appearance and correction of defects

Ø  Transplant  - Replaces malfunctioning structures

Types of Surgery

Ø  Emergency – done immediately to save life or limb

Ø  Elective – done at patient’s and surgeon’s convenience

Ø  Major – complicated, prolonged, large blood losses, vital organs involved

Ø  Minor – few complications, often outpatient

3 Phases:

Ø  Pre-operative

Ø  Intra-operative

Ø  Post-operative


Ø  Used to physically and psychologically prepare the patient for surgery

Ø  Nursing Diagnoses:

o   Anxiety

o   Knowledge Deficit

o   Diagnostic evaluation:

o   CBC,

o   Urinalysis        

o   ECG, CXR (Cardiopulmonary Clearance)

o   Blood chemistries

o   Electrolyte levels (cardiac arrhythmias)

Ø  Nursing Responsibilities:

o   Encourage the patient to verbalize feelings

o   Encourage to participate in decision making- help maintain sense of control

o   Provide teaching (DBCE, splinting, use of IS, leg exercises)- decrease complications

o   Provide the necessary information needed by the client

o   Informed consent (disclosure, understanding, competence)

Ø  Nursing Care - Physical:

o   GI – NPO, Laxatives, Enema

o   Provide adequate rest and sleep

o   Night before surgery:

o   Barbiturates – help go to sleep

o   Provide quiet environment – eliminate noise and distrations

o   Provide back rubs

Ø  Nursing Care – Skin Preparation:

o   Scrub with antimicrobial agent

o   Hair should remain unless it interferes with surgical procedure

o   Note for nicks, cuts, irritations

o   Depilatory creams or clipping of hair is preferred to shaving with a razor

o   Skin prep may be done in surgery

Ø  Pre-operative medications:

o   Anticholinergics

o   Analgesics

o   Sedatives

o   Anti-histamines

o   Antibiotics

Ø  Day of Surgery:

o   AM care

o   Pre-operative checklist

o   Remove nail polish, jewelry, contact lenses, dentures

o   Give valuable items

o   Chart disposition of items

o   Proper identification: Check band for secureness and legibility; surgical site may be marked to prevent error



Ø  Regional

o   Intact consciousness, loss of motor and sensory perception to a particular area of the body

Ø  Spinal – local anesthetic to subarachnoid space in lumbar area

Ø  Epidural – epidural space


Ø  Regional

o   Uses: Lower legs, abdominal or perineal area

o   Nursing Responsibilities:

§  Assess VS

§  Assess for return of sensation and motor function

§  Keep flat on bet at least 3-4 hrs

§  Provide adequate hydration

Ø  General Anesthesia

o   Produces unconsciousness; blocks motor and sensory pathway to major nerve and muscle groups

o   Inhalation gas or IV injection or rectal

o   Ex: Inhalation anesthetics

o   Nitrous oxide

o   Halothane

o   Isoflurane


Ø  Preinduction

o   Initiation of IV access, administration of pre-op meds

o   RN Role:

§  Check consent

§  Complete pre-op assessment

§  Complete surgical time out

Ø  Induction

o   Initiation of drugs that make patient unconscious

o   RN Role:

§  Help with application of monitors

§  Assist in airway management

Ø  Maintenance

o   Procedure being done

o   Patient is unconscious

o   RN Role:

§  Adjust pt position PRN

§  Monitor pt safety

Ø  Emergence

o   Procedure is completed

o   Return to consciousness

o   Removal of airway assist devices

o   RN Role:

§  Help place dressing

§  Protect pt during return of reflexes

§  Prepare transfer to PACU

Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)

Ø  Monitor ABC

Ø  Airway and Breathing – Check O2 Sat also

Ø  Prevent aspiration – Side-Lying

Ø  Circulation – Bleeding, BP, HR

Ø  Monitor return of sensation and motor function


 Concerns during the post-op period:

Ø  A – Atelectasis

Ø  B – Bleeding or hemorrhage

Ø  C – Cardiac events (MI, arrhythmias)

Ø  D – Deep vein thrombosis

Ø  E – Electrolyte imbalances

Ø  F – Fever or infection


Ø  Altered Respiratory Function

o   Causes: Airway obstruction, Anesthesia, Atelectasis, COPD, Pain

o   Assessment: Dyspnea, tachycardia (hypoxia), decreased breath sounds (alveolar collapse), crackles, rhonchi and noisy respirations, pallor, anxiety, restlessness

**Atelectasis – most common cause of increased body temperature (>38°C) during the 1st 24 hours of surgery

o   Nursing Care: Maintain patent airway

§  DBCTE, use of IS

§  Splinting of incision

§  Early ambulation

§  Administer analgesics as ordered

§  Administer antibiotics as ordered

Ø  Altered Mental Status

o   Nursing Care

§  Monitor LOC- GCS

§  Observe for decreased reflexes (gag, cough, swallow and DTR)

§  Observe for pupillary response (brisk or sluggish)

§  Observe patient’s safety at all times

§  Be careful in giving narcotics

Ø  Discomfort and Pain

o   Nursing Care

§  Administer narcotics as ordered (Codeine, Morphine, Demerol, Nalbuphine)

§  Reposition every 2 hours

§  Reduce anxiety and teach relaxation techniques

Ø  Altered Gastrointestinal Function

o   May be due to anesthesia, bowel manipulation, paralytic ileus

o   Nursing Care

§  Observe for N/V due to decreased peristalsis

§  withhold food and fluids until bowel sounds return

§  Maintain IV access and administer F&E

§  Monitor for abdominal distention and discomfort

§  NGT drainage as needed

§  Gradually change the diet of the patient

§  Ambulate as soon as possible

Ø  Decreased Urine Output

o   Monitor U.O. – should resume after 6-10 hours after surgery

o   Encourage to increase fluid intake

o   Promote urination

o   Insert indwelling catheter or straight catheterization

Ø  Impaired Skin Integrity

o   Keep incision clean and dry

o   Encourage ambulation (movement stimulates vascular perfusion)

o   Splint incision to prevent dehiscence or evisceration

o   Cover wound with dressing with sterile solution and notify MD

o   Instruct not to cough or move

Ø  Impaired Circulation

o   Observe for Homan’s sign (do not elicit)

o   Assess for warmth, pain and tenderness in calf muscles

o   Provide anti-embolic stockings to compress superficial veins and increase blood flow to deep veins and prevent venous pooling

o   Don’t put pressure on popliteal area

o   Don’t massage the patient’s legs

o   Promote ambulation ASAP

o   Treat thrombophlebitis by bedrest, anticoagulant drugs

Ø  Malignant Hyperthermia

o   Characterized by hyperthermia with skeletal muscle rigidity

o   Succinylcholine – primary trigger

o   Genetic

o   Management:

§  Dantrolene

§  Prevention – careful family history

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